God~given Priorities
Love God~A Wife after God's own heart is first and foremost a woman whose heart belongs to God. God is not only her first priority, He is her ultimate priority and her consuming passion. As a Christian she makes and takes the time to nurture her relationship with God. She has no greater love than her love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ. She delights in keeping God's first and great commandment~ "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind." (Matt. 22:37-38) This passionate tended love relationship with the Lord creates a rich, deep reservoir she can draw from in order to whole~heartedly tend to her other God~given roles and relationships.
Love Her Husband~ As a Wife, a married woman practices God's priorities by loving her husband. (Titus 2:4)
After God, she gives her all to her mate-for-life. She makes and takes the time to achieve a best-friend relationship with him. After her time with God, she pours out her best portions of time, energy, love, and devotion to build and better her marriage. She focuses her efforts on her marriage & on him, on improving his life, on serving him, & striving to live together in harmony. She seeks, with God's help, to live out her God-given roles as a wife~to help, follow, respect, and love her husband.
Love her children~ As a mother and someone who desires to do God's will, God's Woman will next make & take time required to cultivate relationships with her children, no matter what their ages.(Titus 2:4)
Here is a lifelong commitment to be involved, hands-on, fiercely loving & caring mother. She is going to raise her children to know& love God, to love others & be there for others, and ALWAYS give to others. That's her role.... and another one of her passions. Why? She's a mother after God's own heart!
Love her home~To a wife after God's own heart, home is next. (Titus 2:5)
She directs her energies toward building, watching over, and establishing a place where the successful nurturing of her marriage and family can take place. She loves her home and family, takes joy in being there, improves it with her efforts, and is "the Queen of fuss" when it comes to her home- sweet-home! She lovingly fusses over the people and the place. Your home~ the people and the place~is always to be the priority over any profession!
Love and serve God's people~A woman who aspires to wear the label "A woman after God's own Heart" and to possess such a heart has a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. And that relationship thrusts her into the family of God, the body of Christ~the church. As a Christian she is spiritually gifted by God "for the profit of all" (1 Corinthians 12:7)
to benefit the church universal and, the church she attends. This service to God and His people is a duty and resposibility every Christian is given, and it is also a privilege that cannot be bought. This service is not optional. But oh, the blessings that belong to the woman who follows God's plan for serving others! It is assigned by God and therefore comes before and ranks higher in priority than a job, career, or profession.